Information for Students

Business Gate Academy

A program designed for students of the School of Business Administration in Karviná, Silesian University in Opava.

Studenti Business Gate Academy s jejich certifikáty, které dostanou na konci semestru

We understand how important practical experience is

For you as a student, Business Gate Academy is an opportunity to put your skills and ideas into practice. Together with other talented and motivated university students and professionals, you’ll be shaping a positive future.

Who are we looking for?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re in your first year of a bachelor’s program or your final year of a master’s program. You don’t need to be an expert in areas like PPC, SEO, or creating top-notch content. All of this can be learned.

We’re looking for people with the right mindset. Optimistic explorers who believe that there are always more possibilities, even if they haven’t discovered them yet. Individuals with persistence, who don’t give up when faced with a dead end.

How does it all work?

The Business Gate Academy program is designed for students of the School of Business Administration in Karviná. It runs every semester, just like other courses.


1. Contact our administrators

Contact our administrator Dana at, who will explain the processes and deadlines for the selection procedures.

2. You attend the selection process

The selection is conducted in the form of an assessment center, just like in any innovative company. But there’s no need to stress—we’re students just like you.

3. You become a team member

If you impress the team leaders, one of them will contact you by phone to share the good news. Together with four new teammates, you’ll work on a predetermined assignment from a real company.

4. Meet the client

Together with your team, you’ll take a trip to the company you’ll be working for. It’s a great opportunity for an internal analysis of the business. You’ll get a feel for the very essence of the company, which will help you immerse yourself in the project.

5. Work on the project

At least once a week, you’ll meet in the Business Gate facilities, where the meeting rooms are located. Your experienced team leader will organize and monitor your progress, so you can expect some homework as well.

6. After work, have some fun

Business Gate attracts like-minded people who want to grow, enjoy life, and are open to new experiences. We aim to organize various events several times each semester, where you are always welcome.

7. Present your results

Together with your team, you’ll present your outcomes to the client. This is your chance to showcase what you’re capable of and convince the client that it’s worth continuing with the team or purchasing the work you’ve completed.

8. Implement or sell your work

If your work proves valuable to the client and you come to an agreement, you’ll move forward with implementing the ideas your team developed. If your work is more of a finished product, you can also sell it. It all depends on the terms you agree upon with the company.

An offer you can’t refuse

What will you gain?


Practical experience

We place the greatest emphasis on practical benefits. It’s important to us that you’re not just a box of theories, but that you get hands-on experience working on assignments from real companies.

Discover your passion

Do you see yourself as a creative or more of an analyst? Or maybe you feel like you’re somewhere in between and aren’t quite sure what you enjoy? This opportunity can open your eyes and help you discover which direction your heart truly wants to go.


You’ll become part of a group that is dedicated to self-improvement, and these connections could be valuable for you in the future. Not to mention, you’ll be in contact with industry experts and the management of the company you’ll be working for.


Skill and competency development is the mission of Business Gate Academy. Improving in areas like creativity, communication, presentation, expertise, and perseverance will bring you joy.



A tangible proof that you’ve successfully completed the program is always useful—it’ll make you proud, please your parents, and might even impress your future employer or business partners.


4 credits

This is a “C” category course that you can register in the Information System, bringing you one step closer to completing your studies at our School of Business Administration in Karviná.