Information for Companies

Business Gate Academy

Our mission is to develop students’ competencies through experience and self-management. Working on real-world assignments adds depth to the experience, and students become much more engaged than in traditional theoretical teaching, leading to significantly better outcomes.

Studenti Business Gate Academy při práci na zadáních od skutečných firem

Our Ideal Client

Who are we looking for?

We love collaborating with people who see value in what we do. They understand that deep practical experience is essential for students. We are looking for inspiring leaders who can motivate students to achieve their best results while providing straightforward and constructive feedback.

It’s going to be great!

What you can expect

Student Team

A team of 5 students will work on a predetermined assignment, led by an experienced team leader who will be your main point of contact.

Experts from the Field

Students have unlimited access to meetings with industry mentors. They communicate their ongoing progress with these experts, and together they guide the project in the right direction.

Risk-Free Participation

There are no entry fees for the company. The only investment required is the time you dedicate to the students. If you like the outcomes, you can choose to move forward with the team for implementation or purchase the developed concept.


Valuable Outside Perspective

Students are often unburdened by routine tasks and don’t have a narrow perspective. Their fresh outlook can often open your eyes as well. Almost always, there is an analytical phase where students gain a basic understanding of your industry and your company.

Creative Outputs

Young and fresh minds, who are at home on the internet, always manage to come up with something new and innovative.


Throughout the program, we organize various events to which you are warmly invited. Additionally, you’ll be in contact with students who know other students, who might have different skills that could be just what you need.

There’s even more!

Areas We Focus On


We conduct both internal and external analyses. We study how your company performs compared to the competition and present insights that can be valuable for building your business.

Communication Strategy

We love communicating not just on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. How should you communicate with your target segment? What content should you choose, and which channels should you use?



Valentine’s Day is approaching, or maybe you want to fill a slow period? Students love tackling such challenges. They’ll set a goal, establish a budget, and the fun can begin.


We start with research, including analytics and target group analysis, continue with the design of wireframes, and finish with the technical setup and launch.

Content Creation

We start by analyzing your existing content and that of your competitors. Then, we develop a content strategy, and finally, we dive into creating—filming, photographing, and writing.


At our faculty, we also have a Department of Finance with many talented students who can conduct a financial analysis of your business and come up with new insights.

Event management

We transform innovative ideas into concrete plans and figure out how to attract the maximum number of people to your event, whether it’s a company party or a marketing event for customers.


Anything you can think of...

Do you have a special project that’s a good fit for the School of Business Administration? Bring it on—we’re open to all the new challenges that come our way.

Step by Step

How does it all work?


1. Contact our administrator

Contact our administrator, Dana, via email, who will explain how the Academy works and guide you through the next steps.

2. Meeting with the administrator

If everything looks good and you seem like a strong candidate, our project administrator will be happy to meet with you, either online or in person over a good cup of coffee, where you can refine the assignment together.

3. We’ll assign you a Team Leader

The program runs twice a year, starting in September and February, aligning with the beginning of the semesters. By this time, we need to have all assignments distributed among the Team Leaders. Your assigned Team Leader will be your main point of contact.

4. The team will visit you at your company

Our next step is to complete the student team. We hold the selection process during the second week of the semester, and the following week, the team will visit your company. This is the perfect opportunity to inspire the team to achieve great results.

5. Průběžné konzultace s týmem

Po dobu 3 měsíčního semestru budete s týmem komunikovat tak často, jak si to společně nastavíte. Každý člen týmu pracuje na projektu zhruba 5 hodin týdně, takže se to s komunikací nemusí zase přehánět.

6. Final Presentation or Milestone?

At the end of the semester, we hold the “Finals,” where students present their outputs to you. The students will want to showcase their work, and whether you agree to continue working together is entirely up to you.

Take a Look

How do we operate?

Check out this one-minute video from the Hackathon, where we work on assignments all day long.

And we’ve had many great collaborations along the way.

Contact for Academy Applications
